Terms And Condition

Welcome to gymaccessoriesbd.com. We hope you agree to our terms and conditions to use our website and all services or tools. If you have any query about our products, please contact to our Customer Service.

In these Terms and Conditions, what is intended to be a ‘User Agreement,’ ‘gymaccessoriesbd.com’ is collectively referred to as we or us. 

Before using our service, you have to read and accept all of our terms linked to this “Term and Condition” and our “Privacy Policy .”We strongly recommend that you access and agree to our terms and conditions as you go through this agreement. We hope you will enjoy our service by accepting this user agreement. Some services may have been added that will offer to you when you use our services.

Copyright & Other Rights

All content added in or prepared available through our services, like text, logos, icons, digital downloads, and even any data that is our real property of us, is protected by gymaccessoriesbd.com.

Other than to the point required to use our services for its allowable persistence and in agreement and conditions of use and the applicable Service Terms that you are not allowed to copy or reuse any content of us without our express written consent, including without any product listing, description, or account information. In particular, you can’t utilize any information data, robots, or similar data and extraction tools to extract any substantial parts of our service or content for reuse. 

Reviews, Communications, And Content

Customers or visitors of our website may post reviews, comments, or other content and even can submit their ideas and suggestions or ask questions about the products. But they can’t be illegible, abusive, threatening, invasive, privacy, or injuries to third parties/objectionable. 

You can’t post any content that contains commercial solicitation, virus software, chain letters, or any form of “spam .”You are also not allowed to use any false email address or mislead any wrong communication. We deputy the right to eliminate such kinds of posts or content. 

Using Our Service

When you use our services, you can’t send any post on our site and won’t infringe any laws or third-party rights on our policies like restricted items policies. You can’t be allowed to use our service if you aren’t able to form legally binding contracts or are under the age of 18. Control the price of any items with the price, and control our fee structure and billing process. You won’t take any action that may undermine the Feedback information or use it for purposes that are not related to our website. 

We can’t permit you to post spam, unsolicited, or various electronic communications, chain letters, or even pyramid schemes that may harm our website, customers, or users. Without consent, we don’t accept any copy, distribution rights, trademark, harvest, or collect information about the consumers, including their email addresses. 


gymaccessoriesbd.com and its community of customers or users work together to keep our website and all services performing properly, which will save our site. If you see any issues, please report to us for offensive content, policy, or violations.

Feel free to notify our Support Team if you also feel that your logical rights have been violated. They will investigate your notification and solve it very soon. Without limiting other eliminates, we may limit or terminate our service and prohibit access to our site’s services, delay, and remove hosted content, remove, delete, or non-displaying list, apply fees for policy monitoring, and take legal steps to keep the consumers or users off the website if we think that they are creating several issues or probable legal liabilities or infringing the intellectual property rights of third-party.

Furthermore, we may suspend the accounts of users who may repeat infringing on third-party intellectual property rights at our reasonable direction. We reserve the right to cancel unconfirmed accounts that have been lazy for a long time or discontinue our services. 


We don’t sell our products to any children who are under the age of 18. Even we sell our products to adults for their children. So, you can purchase our products if you are an adult or up to 18. Moreover, if you are under the age of 18, you should involve your parents or guardians in using our service.

Product Supply

Each site or company maintains its own policy to supply its products. Normally, we supply or ship our customer’s order within 5 to 7 days after placing the order. If your ordered products aren’t available or have an under-running campaign, we will deliver them within 5 working days. It is a very rare case that the shipment may take a long time due to unavoidable events like political interest, political events, public holidays, or a huge promotional offer.

Statutory Rights & Remedies

Our order cancellation and return policies apply to other rights and remedies. A person may have under the law, including under the (NCRP) National Consumers Right Protection.

Consumers Faults

Misusing sites or services or violating our terms and conditions will cost you faulty points or consumer demerits points. Having three or more faulty points can ban you from using our website or getting our services temporarily or even permanently. Demerits point system listed here:

  • 1. Posting illegal, abusive, invasive, or privacy, infringing or intellectual property rights or injuries of the third party that is objectionable text or images in the product reviews section.
  • 2. Intentionally misusing cash on a delivery system, like posting orders for malicious purposes,
  • 3. Not receiving the ordered product intentionally. 


If you break those Terms and Conditions to use our website, but we don’t take any action against you still, you may think we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any condition where you break our conditions of use. As we intend to provide the best service to our users and consumers, we take time and give some opportunity to use our site properly and legally by following our Terms and Conditions.