Yoga Mat

How Can I Store My Yoga Mat Properly?

How Can I Store My Yoga Mat Properly

Proper storage of your yoga mat not only preserves the mat’s integrity but also ensures a clean and inviting surface for your sessions.

When storing your yoga mat for further use, the right preservation style matters most. Before finalizing any style, consider some factors like the size of the storage area, moisture level, ease of access, and so on. 

You need to clean and dry the yoga mat appropriately before starting the storing process. Unless you do these actions in the right manner, your mission of storing the yoga mat will fail at the beginning.

So, don’t delay yoga enthusiasts of Bangladesh to follow our simple steps that guarantee a longer lifespan for your trusty yoga companion.

Step-by-Step Guide: Storing Your Yoga Mat Efficiently

It’s time to explore how to store a yoga mat properly to use it in the long run. 

Step 1: Clean Your Yoga Mat

Begin by gently wiping down your TPE or PVC yoga mat with a damp cloth. For a more thorough cleaning, mix a mild detergent with water and wipe the mat using a soft cloth or sponge.

Ensure you cover both sides of the yoga mat and if your mat is machine washable, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Proper cleaning eliminates sweat, oils, and dirt, ensuring your mat remains fresh and ready for your next session.

Step 2: Ensure Proper Drying

After cleaning, allow your stylish yoga mat to air-dry completely before storing it. Hang it over a shower rod or lay it flat on a clean surface.

Avoid direct sunlight during this process, as prolonged exposure may damage the mat’s material. Ensuring proper drying prevents moisture accumulation, keeping your mat hygienic and ready for future use.

Step 3: Choose the Right Storage Location

Select a storage spot away from direct sunlight, dampness, and extreme temperatures. A cool, dry area is ideal for maintaining the integrity of your mat.

Avoid storing your silicone yoga mat in a hot car or a humid space, as these conditions can lead to mat deterioration. The right storage location prolongs the life of your yoga mat and ensures its reliability.

Step 4: Avoid Direct Sunlight

Sunlight is not a friend to your yoga mat, especially if you belong to a hot-weather country like Bangladesh. Prolonged exposure can cause the material to break down and lose its grip.

When choosing a storage spot, keep your mat away from direct sunlight. Choose a shady, cool area to protect its texture and prevent any potential damage caused by the sun’s rays.

Step 5: Rolling vs. Flat Storage

The decision between rolling and laying your mat flat depends on personal preference and the mat’s material. Rolling can save space but may create creases in your healthy yoga mat.

Laying it flat prevents creasing but takes up more room. Consider your storage space and mat material to decide the most practical approach that ensures your mat stays in optimal condition.

Step 6: Consider a Mat Holder or Strap

Investing in a mat holder or strap offers a convenient solution for keeping your mat secure. These accessories make it easy to transport your mat and prevent it from unraveling when stored.

So, choose a holder or strap that suits your mat size, ensuring a perfect fit for efficient and hassle-free storage.

Step 7: Create a Dedicated Storage Space

Allocate a specific area for your yoga mat to streamline your practice routine. Having a dedicated space reduces the chances of misplacing your mat and ensures it’s always readily accessible.

Whether it’s a corner of a room or a designated yoga bag, creating a dedicated storage space adds organization to your practice.

Step 8: Regular Maintenance Checks

Perform periodic checks on your eco-friendly yoga mat to identify any signs of wear, tear, or damage. Look for thinning areas, unusual smells, or changes in texture.

If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage. Regular maintenance checks contribute to the overall longevity of your yoga mat, ensuring it remains a reliable companion throughout your yoga practice journey in Bangladesh.

Factors to Consider While Storing Your Yoga Mat

Some factors you should keep in mind while storing your yoga mat. Let’s check them out.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Start with a clean slate by regularly wiping down your non-slip yoga mat. A simple mix of mild detergent and water on a soft cloth can do wonders.

Keeping your mat for fitness training clean not only ensures a pleasant practice environment but also prevents the buildup of bacteria and odors. A clean mat is an invitation to a fresh, healthy yoga session.

Moisture and Dampness

Moisture is the enemy of yoga mat longevity. Before storing, make sure your mat is completely dry. Moisture can lead to unpleasant odors and the breakdown of materials.

By keeping your mat dry, you create a convenient environment for mold and bacteria, maintaining a hygienic practice space.

Temperature and Sun Exposure

Choose a storage location away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Both heat and UV rays can damage your mat over time, affecting its texture and durability.

Therefore, go for a cool, dry spot to ensure your mat remains in prime condition, ready for your next yoga session.

Storage Space

Consider the available space when deciding how to store your yoga mat. Whether you decide to roll or lay it flat, ensure it fits comfortably in the chosen storage spot.

Avoid squeezing it into a tight space, as this can lead to creases and affect the mat’s performance. Sufficient storage space guarantees your mat stays in top shape.

Type of Mat Material

Different mats have different needs, and so, the type of material differs. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for your mat’s material to ensure that it needs special storage care. For example, natural rubber yoga mats may require different care for storing than PVC or TPE.

Last Words

Proper storage of your yoga mat is the open secret of the yoga mat’s longevity. As you move towards the journey of mindful mat storage, you’re going to improve your yoga concentration for the future along with ensuring health benefits. 

From cleaning to choosing the right location and considering factors like moisture and material type, it’s not that hard to maintain. You’re not just preserving a yoga accessory but ensuring it remains a reliable partner in your practice.

By adhering to these storage practices, you lay the foundation for a yoga mat that stays fresh, hygienic, and ready to support your wellness journey in Bangladesh and beyond whenever you unroll it.


How often should I clean my yoga mat?

Clean your yoga mat after every few uses, especially if you sweat a lot during practice, to maintain hygiene and prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors.

Can I leave my yoga mat in direct sunlight?

Avoid leaving your yoga mat in direct sunlight for extended periods, as it can damage the material and affect its texture. Choose a cool, shaded spot for storage.

Is it necessary to use a mat holder or strap?

Using a mat holder or strap is not mandatory, but it offers convenience and helps keep your mat secure and compact during storage or transportation. It’s a practical accessory for on-the-go yogis.

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